News > Applying Resilience Webinar

An archived webinar presented by RAYS alumni (Schoon, Hodbod, Baggio) and hosted by Arizona State University describes the development of resilience thinking in social-ecological systems.

If you missed the webinar "Applying Resilience Thinking: Seven Principles for Building Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems" presented last month by RAYS alumni Michael Schoon, Jennifer Hodbod and Jaccopo Baggio, you can now watch it online (

The webinar focuses on a major project undertaken in recent years by members of the Resilience Alliance Young Scholars (RAYS) that led to a paper published in Annual Reviews of Environment and Resources and was later expanded into the book published by Cambridge University Press "Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in SES". In the webinar Mike Schoon and colleagues describe how the project evolved from the straight-forward question - what are the key factors that enhance resilience in SES and when and where do they apply?

A new group of RAYS begins discussions later this month kick-starting an exciting new phase of SES research collaboration.