Title: Long-term Vulnerability and Resilience: Three Examples from Archaeological Study in the Southwestern US and Northern Mexico
Authors: Nelson, M.C., M. Hegmon, K.W. Kintigh, A.P. Kinzig, B.A. Nelson, J.M. Anderies, D.A. Abbott, K.A. Spielmann, S.E. Ingram, M.A. Peeples, S. Kulow, C.A. Strawhacker, and C. Meegan
Citation: Nelson, M.C., M. Hegmon, K.W. Kintigh, A.P. Kinzig, B.A. Nelson, J.M. Anderies, D.A. Abbott, K.A. Spielmann, S.E. Ingram, M.A. Peeples, S. Kulow, C.A. Strawhacker, and C. Meegan. 2012. Long-term Vulnerability and Resilience: Three Examples from Archaeological Study in the Southwestern US and Northern Mexico. In: Cooper, J. and P. Sheets (eds.) Surviving Sudden Environmental Change: Answers from Archaeology. University Press of Colorado. pp. 193-217
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Keywords: vulnerability, resilience, archaeology