Title: The Role of Characean Algae in the Management of Eutrophic Shallow Lakes.
Authors: Van Den Berg, M. S., M. Scheffer, H. Coops, and J. Simons.
Citation: Van Den Berg, M. S., M. Scheffer, H. Coops, and J. Simons. 1998. The Role of Characean Algae in the Management of Eutrophic Shallow Lakes. Journal of Phycology 34, no. 5: 750-756.
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Keywords: shallow lakes, zooplankton, phytoplankton, turbidity, submerged macrophytes, suspended solids, fish, eutrophication, eutrophic, nutrients, phosphorus, blue-green algae, The Netherlands, Lake Veluwemeer, Chara, turbid, turbidity, manipulation